3 Ways To Show Your Partner You Love Them
Dr John Gottman’s research is extensive in how to honour your partner, and your relationship. We teach these skills consistently in our couples therapy work, as well as in our workshops. Here are just some quick skills that you can put into place immediately, with relative ease, but for hopefully large gain.
3 Signs Your Relationship Is In Trouble And How To Begin Getting It Back On Track
Too often when things aren't going well in our relationship we begin to think we may be better off leaving, starting again with someone else, or even being single again.
It makes sense, no-one wants to spend their life in an unhappy relationship. The truth is that there is not a whole lot of difference between happy and unhappy relationships. Research shows us that happy couples really only do 'small things often' to nurture and maintain their relationship harmony.
Here are three common relationship problems, and three 'small things' that you can do to start getting your relationship back on track.