Accepting Influence 

Most people would agree that an important part of what makes a successful relationship is that both people feel heard and respected by one another. Being open and neutral to our partner’s opinion or perspective is a big part of feeling understood and acknowledged. But let’s be honest here – it can be very challenging to remain open on a topic that we may feel quite strongly about! Partners often feel that they are the ones who are flexible and willing to be equal but it’s their partner who is close-minded and rigid! This may be because it is so hard to ‘accept influence’ on certain topics that may not align with our own thoughts and opinions. 

Accepting influence is not about giving up your own values, needs or opinions, instead it’s about being open to understanding and considering your partner's perspective. By doing so, both partners can move away from unhelpful power struggles and toward a collaborative approach where both can feel heard, respected, and valued. This shift can lead to solutions that benefit both individuals, creating a win-win feeling and fostering a sense of shared power within the relationship. It's about finding common ground and working together toward mutual goals and healthy communication. 

Menial tasks such as how to stack the dishwasher, methods to fold clothes, how often the floors need mopping or who does which chores at home can be easier to be flexible on, although most couples can still butt heads on these topics very rigidly. 

“It’s your way or the highway”

“You never budge on things”

“You do it your way and I’ll do it my way”

“You just redo it your way anyway so why would I bother?”

Budgeting, family holidays, input from in-laws and parenting style strategies are examples of more complex and emotionally based decisions that can see us finding flexibility and accepting our partners influence as much more challenging. 

Successful relationships thrive on a mutual exchange of influence, where both partners feel empowered to express their needs and preferences while also being open to considering the perspective of their partner. This dynamic fosters trust, respect, and a sense of fairness within the relationship. It's a continual process of give and take, with each partner contributing to decision-making and problem-solving in a collaborative manner. Building this pattern of respectful influence can strengthen the bond between partners and create a more fulfilling relationship overall.

Accepting influence from your partner does not mean “yes dear”, “no dear” or fulfilling the attitude of “happy wife happy life”. Accepting influence in a relationship involves recognising the validity of your partner's perspective and being open to the possibility of it influencing your own views and decisions. It's a way of showing respect and value for your partner's opinions, even if they differ from your own. 

Here are some reflective questions to ask yourself about whether you can accept influence from your partner:

  1. Self-awareness: Start by examining your own behaviour and attitudes. Are you shutting out your partner's ideas or thoughts? Recognising this in the moment is a powerful step toward change.

  2. Listen non-judgmentally: Aim to hear your partner's perspective with genuine curiosity and an openness to understand. 

  3. Aim for ways to say "yes": Instead of inadvertently going into a defensive stance, seek opportunities to at least acknowledge your partner's opinion “I see what you’re saying”, “I understand your point”, “I hear why this is important to you”. 

When both partners consciously strive to accept influence from each other, listen with empathy, and seek common ground, decision-making becomes less of a search for power and control, and more of a shared goal. 

This can lead to greater mutual understanding, respect, and satisfaction within the relationship. Remembering to approach conflict with openness and a readiness to negotiate can go a long way toward building a deep and resilient relationship.

Gottman Connect

Take this free quiz and get a sense of how well you and your partner accept influence in your relationship as well as how tuned in to each other you currently are.  

By Carlie Kowald. 

Everything you need to know about Emotion Focused Couples Therapy (EFT)

EFT Explained

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a highly effective therapeutic approach that assists couples and individuals navigate through relationship challenges. By following the principles and techniques of EFT, relationship therapists can guide you and your partner towards developing more meaningful, satisfying and rewarding connections together.

Understanding Emotionally Focused Therapy

Emotionally Focused Therapy has been found to be effective in addressing a range of relationship issues, including communication problems, intimacy concerns, infidelity, and unresolved conflicts. It helps couples develop stronger emotional bonds, increase trust and intimacy, and improve overall relationship satisfaction.

Emotionally Focused Therapy was developed by Dr. Sue Johnson and allows couples to review their unique emotional dynamics, foster safe communication, and develop stronger connections. By recognising and addressing the underlying emotions and attachment requirements that impact relationship patterns, individuals can overcome obstacles to intimacy and create more secure and fulfilling relationships.

The Goals of EFT

  • Emotional awareness

  • Healing attachment wounds

  • Identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts

  • Trauma processing

  • Emotion regulation

How EFT is Applied Within Relationship Counselling

EFT provides a structure for therapists to teach you a series of essential relationship skills:

Reflection: Empathy building skills

Validation: Acknowledging a partner’s emotions and experiences

Re-enactment: Practice EFT skills in session with therapist

Reframing: Form new meaning based on new understanding

By following the principles and techniques of EFT, your relationship therapist will improve emotional connection and build trust and intimacy. The strength of EFT work means that besides reducing conflict, it can also improve your overall relationship satisfaction and therefore longevity.

The Benefits of EFT in Relationships

In summary, EFT offers clear benefits that boost the bond between romantic partners:

  • Strengthening the Bond

  • Building Secure Attachment

  • Resolving Conflict and Repairing Hurt

  • Promoting Relationship Satisfaction and Longevity

What to Expect in EFT Sessions

During the initial session of EFT you will feel in safe hands as your therapist will create a safe and non-judgmental space for open communication. They will help guide you both to explore emotions, identify your negative relationship patterns, and understand the underlying attachment need for each of you.

The EFT therapist will help you acknowledge and identify the destructive cycles that may be causing harm to your relationship. Through EFT specific skills and methods, the therapist will assist and guide you to create secure and satisfying connections with your partner.

Taking the First Step Towards a Better Relationship

Even just the thought of seeing a relationship therapist is a daunting decision for some people. Taking the first small step is often the hardest one, but it could be the best decision for a happier more fulfilling future for you individually, as well as your relationship.

Of course change takes some time and effort, but with an EFT therapist in your corner, it can be far easier than you’d ever imagined to feel more connected, appreciated, seen and heard in your relationship.  

By Carlie Kowald


Johnson, S. (2008). Emotionally focused couple therapy. In A. S. Gurman (Ed.), Clinical handbook of couple therapy (pp. 107–137). Guilford Press.

Emotionally Focused Therapy: 17 Tools for Your EFT Sessions (

Book recommendation:

Hold Me Tight presents Emotionally-Focused Therapy in a nonclinical way that the general public can access. Hold Me Tight: Dr. Sue Johnson, Sandra Burr: 9781491513811: Books (No affiliation)

Love in the Digital Age: Striking a Balance Between Tech and Togetherness

Technology can get a bad reputation when it comes to relationships. Phone addiction, online cheating, secret dating apps, pornography and feeling second priority from one another can damage the quality of our relationships. According to Dr James Roberts (2016), smart phone users check their smartphones approximately once every six-and-a-half minutes which works out to be roughly 150 times each day. That’s a lot of devotion, obsession and attention dedicated to a small, handheld device!

The term “phubbing” (short for the term “phone-snubbing”) describes those moments we are all too familiar with, when one partner gets distracted once again by their phone and the other partner feels rejected. In fact, phubbing has become so common that it is now one of the more frequent complaints and conflicts we can hear about in romantic relationships.

Much research has been dedicated to these complex topics and in general the studies regularly find that people who report more ‘technoference’ (technology interfering with their communication and quality time with their partners), also reported more conflict on this topic, lower relationship satisfaction, more depressive symptoms, and lower life satisfaction (McDaniel, B. T., & Coyne, S. M., 2016).

Whilst we openly acknowledge the challenges that technology can play in intimacy, we also want to delve into some ways to work with technology and to look at the ways that technology can draw us closer, connect us together and add daily value to our important romantic relationships.

 Instant Messaging and Social Media

Instant Messaging and Social Media platforms such as messaging services and messaging apps allow couples communication to be immediate, instantaneous and in ‘real time’. This allows them to feel connected even when they are separated and physically apart from each other. Instant messaging services can feel less intrusive by allowing a partner to respond when they have the time. Messaging can also allow a couple to be more thoughtful and considered with the wording of a topic, taking the time to choose the right reflections, feelings, and vocabulary. Additionally, video messaging features can be particularly useful for long-distance relationships and can create more personal and interactive communication, helping couples feel more connected throughout the day.

 Organisation and Planning Tools

Organisation and Planning Tools like mutually shared calendars and planning apps help couples coordinate their schedules together, plan activities, and hopefully reduce misunderstandings and conflicting commitments. The shared nature of the visual phone calendar and its ease of accessibility can help to balance expectations of each other and can assist in understanding each other's needs and priorities. The use of a shared calendar requires clear communication and collaboration. Ideally, both partners actively contribute to updating and monitoring the calendar to ensure its effectiveness in improving relationship quality. Finding the balance between adhering to the calendar plans without becoming too rigid as well as allowing for flexibility and spontaneity in the relationship is a good goal to aim for.

 Therapeutic Resources

Therapeutic Resources (such as the very popular telehealth counselling option that we offer at Motivating Marriages), allows access to online counseling services for couples wanting to improve the quality of their relationship. This technology allows for couples to be access treatment at mutually convenient times, in varying locations (enabling couples to engage in therapy together, even if they are in different locations), and in a way that suits their lifestyle (during a child’s naptime or on a lunchbreak). Relationship apps and online resources can offer support and guidance for couples facing challenges. Many online therapy platforms provide follow up resources, such as articles, worksheets, and exercises that clients can access between sessions to enhance their understanding and practice new skills.

 Symbolic Public Gestures

Symbolic Public Gestures such as posting messages, sending emojis, attaching gifs or memes and love hearting a comment are ways that our digital platforms allow us to show and express love and affections even when physically apart from one another. Emojis can add a playful and expressive element to our online communication. We are by no means saying they are a substitute for genuine and open communication in relationships, but they can bridge the gap of connection during a long workday until true re-connection with your partner can occur with a kiss, conversation, hug and debrief. While it’s no balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet; these lighthearted, quick and effective public gestures can provide a sense of support, loyalty and care. It’s a time efficient way to show that you care for your partner.


So, it seems that technology can add value and connectedness in our relationships. Whether it be giggling over a shared meme, swooning over the cute message they sent you on their lunch break, coordinating via calendars what your weekend plans are, swapping funny cat videos or appreciating the small but public ‘liking’ or commenting on your post, technology has the potential to bond us together on shared experiences despite a physical distance.

Respectful and considerate use of phones and technology around your partner is a healthy and recommended ongoing conversation to be had, as this will differ for each person and couple. It's vital for couples to establish healthy communication habits and clear boundaries around technology use. Honest discussions about expectations, privacy, and the role of technology in the relationship will help avoid conflict.

Whilst technology can be used as a tool for effective communication with each other especially when physically apart, it goes without saying that truly connected, deliberate and open conversations are required to maintain the health and satisfaction for all couples and relationships.

So, with that in mind, we suggest you gently pop the phone or tech down for now and go and check in with your romantic partner and enquire about how their day is going, what’s on their mind, and what they are looking forward to in the next few weeks ahead.  It’s all about balance.

By Carlie Kowald


McDaniel, B. T., & Coyne, S. M. (2016). “Technoference”: The interference of technology in couple relationships and implications for women’s personal and relational well-being. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 5(1), 85–98.

Dr Robert Roberts (CNN)

The importance of empathy in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples

The importance of empathy in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples

Emotionally Focused Therapy, or EFT, is an evidence-based type of couples therapy that was developed by Dr. Sue Johnson. EFT utilises attachment theory and the way we attach to others as a way for individuals and couples to better understand and improve their emotional connections.

EFT builds on the concept that our emotional bonds with others, especially in close intimate relationships, are key to our well-being…

Understanding Gottman Methods and Why They Are at the Core of All We Do

Understanding Gottman Methods and Why They Are at the Core of All We Do

Discover the renowned Gottman Institute and their evidence-based Gottman Method for couples therapy. Built on four decades of groundbreaking research, this method emphasizes friendship, love, and understanding as the foundation of a strong partnership. The Sound Relationship House theory outlines different levels for building a healthy relationship, from deepening understanding to managing conflict and creating shared meaning. Motivating Marriages offers personalized recommendations and workshops based on the Gottman Method to help couples create lasting positive change.

Breaking Negative Patterns in Relationships (What is Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy?

Breaking Negative Patterns in Relationships (What is Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy?

Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) is an evidence-based approach that helps couples improve their emotional bond and create a more secure attachment style in their relationship. EFT focuses on helping couples identify and express their underlying emotions, needs, and desires in a safe and supportive environment, and develop new patterns of communication and behaviours that promote a deeper emotional connection. In this blog we’ll dive into what you can expect during your EFT couples therapy, and in the future of your relationship.